Intarsi UK Premiere Review

I was quite surprised to find four men on stage working together, and wondered where the women were, but settled down to watch.
The performers were really skilled with a perfectly timed flowing show. Unusual and innovative comes to mind and the dance wove its stories and relationships about inclusion and exclusion which were sometimes funny and true.
I loved the use of the staging with its use as doors, slides, seats and the use of levels. It was definitely like putting a jigsaw puzzle together. The movement of these was almost too much as the mind was not used to such actions. I would love to see more colour in the pieces as reflects the circus.
It was obvious to me the act was timed precisely and was cleverly devised. The costumes were good but I really wanted even more contrast between the characters at times.
Musically it was very clever and satisfying and kept the tension of the performance throughout.
I would like to see an even stronger story link to the characters It seemed to happen in pairs most of the time, but I personally think that a strong story line throughout would enhance the whole performance. I really was inspired by this as it was so well rehearsed and thought out I would most certainly invite all my associates to see this performance. Well done and what a treat to watch.
Susi Oddball
This event was organised by Worthing Theatres. To keep up to date with upcoming circus related events visit Worthing Theatres website.