Juggling TV Champion Competition 2018

Calling all jugglers and performers, this is for you!
We’re hosting a contest to showcase your skills and ingenuity with a chance to win some great
prizes. This is open for all abilities and styles of juggling. We want to celebrate the diversity and
passion within our community and to skill-share with one another.
It’s super simple to enter. Record a video your most fun and innovative tricks and upload them to
Juggling TV. (Videos uploaded before the start date will not be included in the voting process).
Use this year’s hashtag #JTVC18 to share your entry and skills with fellow performers.
This competition lasts for the period of a year, allowing plenty of time to get creative and capture
some exciting footage. Any video uploaded between 20th June 2018 and 30th June 2019 will be
entered into the competition. Winners will be announced shortly after.
We have two top secret judges with over 60 years experience of juggling and skills between them!
The videos will be judged on several aspects including: technical skill, comedy, image quality,
direction and storytelling as well as anything which makes your video stand out.
Our prizes have generously been donated by Oddballs who have supported JTV since day one.
1st Prize: £1000 store voucher from oddballs.co.uk
2nd, 3rd & 4th Prize: £300 store voucher from oddballs.co.uk
No matter your experience or skill level, we can’t wait to see what you come up with!